1 year

Friday, January 26th marks the one year anniversary of my mom’s passing.

It’s been a hard week, it’ll be a hard day and basically, it’s been a tough year.

I’m sitting at my dining room table right now, ending my remote work day, and I just did a little google search, nothing crazy, but the idea was to re-read my mom’s obituary so I typed in Nancy Sforza Darien CT.

Before clicking on her obituary I scrolled down a bit, and a link to a Darien Times news article caught my attention, it was an article from December 30, 2011 called “Darien Weighs in on Resolutions for the New Year”. So I clicked through and skimmed for my mom’s name. I skimmed over residents’ comments about how to have realistic resolutions, many health related resolutions, and the idea that resolutions always end up breaking.

But then I found her, and it read:

Nancy Sforza kept her resolutions simple for the new year, even though she acknowledged there would still be some challenges.

"I just want to try to be a better and kinder person and to be more patient than I was in 2011," she said.

Before I even found her name and her comment, I knew she’d have a resolution like this, ‘a simple resolution’.

We’re at the end of January, the first month of the year, still time for all of us to be a better and kinder person.


Wedding Vows

